The big Plan C is still in the state we left it in last time. I think I'll finish it up this coming week and I think I've decided to go with the big piano keys border. Not sure what I'll do with it after that. In the mean time I started and finished Miss Rosie's "American Pie." Only bigger. I had this grand notion of putting it on my bed and having it be a lovely kind of vintage picnic feel but I learned a valuable lesson. Sometimes making something bigger makes it even more awesome, sometimes it just makes it a busy mess.
I went with 30's reproductions just like on the pattern cover.
And it looks fantastic like this. If it had stayed this awesome the whole way through I'd have been happy but it didn't. I just got finished quilting it this afternoon and I'll put binding on and take another picture to show you but take my word for it. Busy mess. My mother loves it, so I'll put it on the guest bed and she can enjoy it while she's here.
In the mean time, I think I have a pretty decent scrap project brewing because each of those blocks resulted in corners being cut off. Many corners. Possibly in the 1200 neighborhood. Did I toss them?
I did not.
In fact:
They work up to 2x2" and they are adorably wee. They will probably be sewn as part of other projects instead of scraps to help deal with the big mess of thread you get at the beginning of each chain-stitching round. (I am offically a Leaders and Enders gal now, I guess)
What else? I finished my oldest UFO ever! EVER! It's a fantastic two-color half-square-triangle quilt that I did featuring every red and white fabric I could find that I loved enough to put in. The ambitious part was quilting it with strawberries. They're something of a kindergarten-art-project strawberry but do like you'd do with your kid.. tilt your head sideways, smile and say "Oh honey, it's lovely."
I swear, if you say one word about my kitchen floor being dirty I will weep like a baby. Instead notice the pretty quilt. And how my cabinets are white because I totally ballsed up and painted my cabinets! Ahem. Where were we? Oh yes, kindergarten art class strawberries..
Here's the back, I particularly like the back for some reason.
Oh! And I totally freehanded feathers on the borders:
I know, some are a bit wonky, but I was totally tickled. I did them freehand on the longarm down near my mom's too and I liked how they turned out there as well.
Okay, I'm going to save some of the projects for my next post (which I'm going to go write now). And perhaps it will be time to introduce you to my new bestest sewing friend ever. I don't want to give it away but if you're on the beach looking out to the ocean what's the farthest thing you can see?
I'm inspired, I really like your American Pie quilt, I have some charm squares, so I might try it!
ReplyDeleteI love your quilted strawberries!
ReplyDeleteClare, the American Pie quilt went together so easily. My real headache came when my darling husband allowed as how he'd like it to go on our bed which effectively DOUBLED the number of blocks I had to make, so back to making blocks instead of putting them together. *sigh* Pictures soon!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you, Michelle, they were fun to do and really inspiring because I could see them get better as I went along. :)