We planned ahead and managed to get ourselves snowed in with S&C. Their house is more comfortable, their cable is more plentiful, and their company is superb. It was a great decision. And as thirty inches fell over the course of Friday night and Saturday, C and I worked on quilts, bags, pillowcases, layouts, playing with our machines, you name it.
Which means I was able to knock three UFOs off my list. My lovely sister-in-law's table runner is finished and ready to be mailed. My girlfriend's daughter (and my adopted neice) is getting a pillowcase for college and it is ready to go in an envelope as well. I finished the first of my shopping bags and I'm ready to go for more. The red and white HST quilt I'm making for myself (we nicknamed it Strawberry Parfait) got a backing and got basted and ready to quilt last night.
Also, the circle quilt I made off of Make it a Wonderful Life's tutorial is finished with the piecing. I measured it so I can decide on a backing. It's going to be my daughter's summer blanket for daycare so as much as I like the texure and feel of things like Moda's Snuggles or a good soft flannel, I'm wondering if that's too warm. Bah! I am unable to make a decision. Thoughts?
So with that I've knocked off at least half of the unfinished items on my list and I am free again to buy fabric! Just in time for payday on Friday and the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show on the 27th.
I'm thinking of rethinking that trip. I'm going to check the vendor list against the Lancaster show in March and do the math on whether a trip to VA Beach is worth it. The bus ride isn't cheap, but it is just a daytrip and I could be in my own bed that night. Decisions decisions.
Anyway, I started some new ones as well. (Because what I needed was more projects in the works) I started on a remake of the Moda Bakeshop bear paw quilt that was put up last week. It's wonderful and easy and perfect for my husband. He's a traditionalist when it comes to quilts and he likes his fabrics even more traditional. I found a fat quarter from the Neesha line and he loves it. I'll get a couple more FQ or half yards from the line to finish it up. Luckily the blocks are big so it works up very fast.
I've added a simple circle quilt done with the Delft Remix green prints I got for Christmas. They were calling out for a design big enough to show off their patterns and I think this fits without being too visually overwhelming.
I also am trying my hand at needleturn applique for the quilt I'm doing for my daughter's room. It's going to be long and involved but it'll be exactly what I want when it's finished. I held her up to the computer so she could see what it looked like and i said "What's that?" She answered "A qui-ult." With two syllables and a tone of wonder. She is made of awesome.
5 months ago
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